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Ti Mika

Ti Mika

What a sweetie Ti Mika has turned out to be! Ti Mika is 12 years old… and she always has a smile “ear to ear!” Even when she has nothing to smile about, she is still happy and smiling! She puts everyone in a good mood!

We discovered this precious child when we were filming for one of our TV programs. When we finished talking about the food the children needed, I noticed an old grandma feeding a tiny baby with straw-like red hair and a few grains of white rice in her hand. Then, she sat the baby on the ground and walked away. Then, I saw the baby, Ti Mika, reach down and eat dirt! I was so horrified… Her grandma went on to explain that she had no money to care for her. I picked up the dirty baby, in a filthy dress and asked if we could take her home and care for her. Her grandmother was relieved! Since Ti Mika’s stepmother didn’t want her, we were off!

She has been our delight since that day. She is always smiling, even though she has “teeth problems.” Her teeth are “rounded at the top of her mouth and her bite is off.” As soon as we get several children finished with their health problems, we will send her to the Dominican Republic to a really good dentist.

But regardless of her crooked smile, she is such a delight!!! When Ti Mika was about ten, I took a nice picture of her to the village where she came from. Her grandmother was very ill and not expected to live. I came inside, and knelt down on the dirt floor of her hut and showed her Ti Mika’s picture… She held the photo up close to her face and said, “Now, I can die in peace.”

When we do “something small,” God turns it into “something big!”


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