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Ti Mika

We just had to bring you up to date on this sweetie, Ti Mika. (Since we already had a “Mika,” we named her Ti Mika, “Little Mika.”)

She is one we found sitting on the ground, eating dirt, while we were doing our Love A Child television program. We found out that her parents were dead and “grandma was raising her.” But, Grandma did not have enough food for herself, let alone a baby. Her relatives told us to take her.

She had severe malnutrition and red hair, but now, her health is good, and her hair is black. She is now 14, in 9th grade and wants to be a Pediatrician. She has many chores at the orphanage, but she also volunteers at our Malnutrition Clinic.

She’s a little “grown up,” but still loves dominoes and dolls! We love her so much!


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