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Ti Mika… A Miracle!

Ti Mika… The first time I laid eyes on Ti Mika was during one of our television programs. I know that we talk about her a lot but she is such a miracle!!! That day, while we were talking about feeding the children in this poor village, I looked down to see a baby sitting on the ground. She was filthy, dirty, and hungry! She was eating dirt off the ground and soon, her elderly grandma came to get her. Grandma had only a few grains of rice in her hand, which she fed to the baby. Afterward, she sat her down on the ground, again. The baby was lethargic, with red hair, and a swollen belly. Her skin was dry and she had “no life in her!” I asked “Grandma” if we could take her, because leaving her there, would mean death! She agreed and we drove off with Ti Mika.

Other than “problems with her teeth,” she is now in good condition. She wants to study “agriculture,” so she can grow gardens!!! Ti Mika is now 14 and in 8th grade! She plays a “mean game” of soccer!!!

Ti Mika loves to play with dolls, she loves dominos, and she loves “girly clothes!” She is in 8th grade at school. If we had not taken her in that day, she would be been “dead for 8 years!” It is so important to listen to the “Holy Spirit,” in each decision we make, every day. The Lord may use “you” to save someone’s life, or encourage them, or He may speak to your heart about sponsoring a child… whatever it is, “listen with your heart!” God bless you.


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