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“Ti Mika…A Tough Little Thing…”

We have two Mika’s here at Love A Child, and so, one of them has to be “Ti Mika” or “little Mika.” (This little Mika is the youngest one!) We found her in a very, very poor village when she was just a baby, with dry red hair and malnutrition. She was sitting in the dirt and looking for her grandmother, who was raising her.

She is another child whose mother had died and left a baby behind. We brought Ti Mika home and began treating her for malnutrition. She recovered, and instead of being “a frail little thing,” she turned out to be “a tough little thing!” Her whole body is “muscular!”  She is not afraid to play basketball with the boys!!! She loves sports, is good in school, and often leads the worship service at night!!

I know that if we had “passed by on the other side,” she would have been dead a long time ago.

Yes, we all love Ti Mika very much!



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