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Tonight’s Meal: Fish & Rice

Sherry and I, along with our wonderful Haitian team, just returned from giving out some big Tilapia fish (some up to three pounds!) and big bags of rice that are 27.5 pounds each. Oh, they were so happy and thankful! Long lines of people and they brought all kinds of things to put their fish in! Fish and rice tonight! Yum!

Our trucks are leaving again with more fish and rice to give to another village. Thank you to all of you who help make all of this possible. Oh, what a joy it is to give…

Jesus said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Haitians are wonderful people and we love them, especially the children.

Keep an eye out for pictures and the whole story this afternoon! 

Bobby and Sherry


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