Here is a touching “picture story” of things we see in Haiti each day. We see the poor, and we touch lives and these things often bring us to tears. Our daughter Julie was with the Gregory Dickow team at our Malnutrition Center when she saw two little boys sitting on the ground on a piece of cardboard with no parents present. They had head fungus and were very malnourished. Julie asked them where their mother was and they said, “She couldn’t come because she had to work.” They had traveled HOURS on a tap tap by themselves, all alone. Julie said she talked to them and with tears in her eyes, she gave them a hug and gave them money and provisions to get back home. They also received food from our Malnutrition Center to take home. Our hearts are constantly broken with the “cry of the poor.” Listen with “your heart” today. Sherry

Touching picture story: 2-28-17 2:00 PM
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