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Touching Stories From Earthquake Families

We are receiving so many touching stories from the earthquake families we are giving tents to. Here is the Ecclesiate Louis family. They lost their house in the earthquake. You can see they cleaned off their slab where their house was. They had no money, but Louis had a clever idea. He built a wood-burning oven to bake bread. They buy the flour on credit and then sell the bread for a small profit and pay for the flour.

They now have a tent and they can build a house… little by little. Thank you for your financial help and prayers. We are working together for the Lord… Love is something you do!

Tomorrow we will be traveling to help those in southern Haiti. We must pass through the most dangerous area in Haiti… Please be praying… Our second 40-foot container load of tents will be traveling with us, or the semi container may come on Friday. We really need your prayers… We love you. – Bobby and Sherry

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