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Thank you for your prayers. We landed in Atlanta yesterday with no problems from Haiti via the Dominican Republic. We had a nice dinner with a former missionary of Love A Child named Doug Lackey and his new wife Marianne. We had a wonderful time of fellowship! They are two anointed people of the Lord! This week I will be marrying Jennifer and Luis. Be looking for some wedding pictures… love is in the air!

I saw the picture for the first time of Jude who was also killed with the two American missionaries. He was the Haitian Director of the mission. He had a young and beautiful wife and two small, beautiful children. Our hearts are broken over the American missionaries Davy and Natalie being killed along with Jude.

All the Haitian staff are doing a great job back in Haiti. We are so proud of them. We will be returning to Haiti soon. Sherry will have another post up around 11:30. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Bobby and Sherry

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