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Travel Update

Sherry and I arrived here at our Love A Child Children’s Home, where we live, safely about 30 minutes ago. PTL! All the children were so happy!

We haven’t seen or heard of anyone arriving here to clean up the gangs. There’s not much traffic on the road. If someone does not come to clean up the gangs, I don’t know what will happen. If someone comes from somewhere, may God bless these brave men. They will need our prayers.

Bar-B-Q, a notorious gang leader, had pictures and videos up yesterday of all his men and their big guns saying, “We will take the banks, all the markets, and give the people food.” If Haiti does not receive help, the gangs will take over. We are all in the hands of the Lord. God has a divine plan for Haiti. The people of Haiti, especially the children, are very precious. Once you come to Haiti one time, the people will steal your heart.

Thank you for your prayers.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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