Late yesterday Casimi had a very difficult time bringing our container of rice which we purchased from the Port-au-Prince port. He actually risked his life. He had big gang opposition down at the port trying to bring our container of rice through. Through payoffs, negotiations, and prayer, he made it through. I’m thanking the Lord no one kidnapped or hijacked our semi and container of food! We also had three big tires blow out but Casimi kept rolling! He got here last night. Took hours to get through. Today we must buy new tires. The Lord was with Casimi!
Please be in prayer. We are needing a newer semi-tractor to haul our containers of food. We have two which are many years old. One is now broken down on the side of the road, which we are repairing today. It’s very dangerous for a container of food to break down because it could be stolen easily. We must keep armed guards with it. If you know of someone who could donate a newer semi Tatum wheel tractor, please let me know. We are praying.
Today we have a container of Feed My Starving Children coming in, and another one on Friday. We are praying… We can’t afford any breakdowns. Children are hungry. Thank you for your prayers.
Missionary Bobby Burnette