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Traveling to the Dominican Republic: 7-9-2015  2:00 PM

Traveling to the Dominican Republic: 7-9-2015 2:00 PM

We have been stuck at immigration on a bus to the Dominican Republic for hours. On the Haitian side they have trucks full of Haitians that are being deported. We have been on the “bus ride from hell!” We cannot put into words what we have been through. Don’t go by bus, by car, or by donkey. Take an airplane if you must go there. They made us drag our suitcases across the grass through the dirt twice for checks. They took our passports and wouldn’t let us off the bus for a bathroom stop because we didn’t have our passports!! Stay tuned…it gets worse.

PS: We are on our way to dedicate our new Love A Child Church in the Dominican Republic, if we ever get there. Sherry

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