This sweet girl is Jessica Loseau, but everyone calls her Ada, and she was born in Port-au-Prince. Her parents, Ana Jean and Fane Loseau were lost at sea when they tried to reach the United States in search of work. Their aunt cared for Ada and her brother Raphael, but she was no longer able to feed them. We heard about these little children, who were very young and we knew we had to save them. We brought them to our Love A Child Children’s Home where all our children welcomed them. Ada is growing up to be a wonderful young lady. She studies very hard at school and is doing really well. She loves to read and enjoys dancing. Ada also loves going to church and praising the Lord. We think this young girl will go far with whatever the Lord has planned for her future. Thank you, partners, for helping save another child in Haiti! God bless you. Bobby and Sherry

Update on Ada: 12-30-17 7:00 PM
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