It took three hours to sew my cousin Wendy’s scalp back on her head at our Love A Child Jesus Healing Center. She has three large holes and cuts around her head. Her daughter Avery’s face is all swollen and her nose and jaw may be broken. We tried for four hours to have Air Vac fly in to get them and fly them to an American hospital, but no success yet. They arrived at Saint Luke’s Hospital near the Embassy about forty minutes ago. The hospital was closing the doors and locking up for the day, but our three doctors from the Jesus Healing Center talked them into helping our family. They are having brain scans and other tests run right now. Sherry is also with them. Wade and Jack are fine. Please pray for Wendy and Avery. Thank you for your prayers and all the encouraging words you write to us. We tried Bernard Mevs Hospital, but they had 35 people that had been in an accident and could not take our group. We believe in the power of prayer! We are believing the Lord for a good report in the morning! Bobby

Update on our family – 11-25-16
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