This little cutie pie is Ginyia. She is one of our newest Love A Child children. Ginyia is nearly 4-years-old. We gave her this nickname, as her real name is too long! The Department of Social Services brought her to us in June of 2016. Her mother died during her birth when she had a C-section, but Ginyia survived. Her father left for the Dominican Republic and never came back. She was left in the care of a very young female cousin, who was about 17-years-old and struggled to take care of her. That is how she became a Love A Child orphan. We brought her into our Love A Child Children’s Home. We all love her, and she is doing very well. Kaeli is our young missionary who helps this little girl with her shyness, and Ginyia loves Kaeli. God bless you partners and thank you for changing another life in Haiti. Bobby and Sherry

Update on Ginyia: 12-17-17 7:00 PM
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