This is one of our Love A Child orphans named Lovely Burnette. When she was about five-months-old, she was found in the streets sitting on a piece of cardboard, abandoned and crying. The woman who found her in the streets called her Lovely, and she really is a lovely girl. She was brought to the Love A Child Orphanage, as nobody knew what to do with her because she suffered from severe malnutrition and was HIV-positive. At the orphanage, she was given healthy and nutritious food, a lot of medication and she is still closely monitored to keep her healthy and make sure her medication is giving her a future. She has been raised in our orphanage with all of her brothers and sisters. Her last name is Burnette, as we know nothing about her family or who left her on the streets. Lovely is now in high school and doing very well. She loves to dance, sing and play dress-up with her Love A Child sisters. Thank you for saving another life here in Haiti, and allowing this beautiful child to reach for her dreams. God bless you, Sherry

Update on Lovely: 9-4-16 3:00 PM
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