This sweet little girl is Mika Burnette. We found this pitiful child sitting in the dirt with brittle orange hair and sucking on her hand because she was so hungry in the village of Madamn Bauje while shooting footage of the Love A Child television program. We realized that she was suffering from severe malnutrition, as she was unable to walk. We thought she was about nine-months-old, but she was actually two-years-old, we were shocked! Her stepmother wasn’t taking care of her and left her in the dirt, while her old grandmother tried to care for her, but she was unable to find food for Mika. We knew we could not leave her in the village because she would have died of starvation and neglect. We brought her to our Love A Child Children’s Home and started feeding her nutritious food and giving her lots of love from our big family. She is growing into a sweet young girl, who is always laughing. She is very outgoing, and we find her always in the middle of many of activities. Thank you, partners, for saving another child in Haiti. Love Is Something You Do! Bobby and Sherry

Update on Mika: 1-31-18 7:00 PM
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