Update on the houses for the Haitians Living in Caves: Good news! The Lord has met our goal of 50 houses for the Haitians living in caves!! We needed $210,000, and we have sent $216,710.19 to Joel and Yvonne Trimble of “Haiti for Christ” to build the houses 11 hours from here, near Jérémie. We have had a lot of rain for about six weeks hindering the construction progress of the houses. About five days ago, Joel e-mailed me and said good news! The sun came out, and the workers have been working hard!! The paint was not in the budget. We want to paint every house and have them look the best! We also need to buy furniture and household items for every house. Faith doesn’t know we don’t have the money! I cannot wait to get back there in about two weeks and take some pictures and send everyone an update report. I love these cave families. The children will touch your hearts. Love is something you do. Bobby

Update on new houses for cave dwellers: 5-25-17 9:00 AM
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