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Update on Baby Elijah: 1-14-2015 4:00 PM

Update Baby Elijah:

Baby Elijah is improving in the wonderful hands of several great neurologists, and a wonderful host family. The report from today says, Baby Elijah is in an inpatient program and being monitored by an EEG. He has abnormal EEG tracings, and he will be in the hospital for two more days. His brain is not working properly. Baby Elijah has encephalopathy, which is a disease of the brain; especially one involving alterations of brain structure. They will start to taper off on the Phenobarbital he is presently receiving, and will then try steroids. After that, they will try some additional medications. The hydrocephalus has damaged the brain diffusely. This may improve with medications. The doctors will do more blood and urine tests to help determine more uncommon causes of his seizure disorders. To sum it up, this will take a miracle!  However, this was the first real laugh we have heard and it brought tears to my eyes. Click here to see the latest video. Very special thanks to Hotes Foundation for sponsoring Baby Elijah’s wonderful medical care. Sherry

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