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Update on Dieuferly…

About two months ago, we drove to the Dominican Republic with Philemond, our driver, Joker, our mechanic, and Dieuferly. We had to meet a friend, RL, who was setting up an appointment with a well-known orthopedic doctor in the capital for Dieuferly.

Dieuferly has suffered many “bad operations” on his club feet since he was about three. We brought him down from the mountains on a mule. At that time, there was an embargo on Haiti and lots of chaos due to elections. The U.S. Military was here. They offered “free club-foot surgeries,” but they were not specialists. Long story short, Dieuferly suffered through several botched surgeries, which left his feet in a painful condition.

We found “one of the best” surgeons there in the Dominican Republic. He will send Dieuferly for all kinds of tests this week and then give him a date to have surgery, putting an “x-fix” on his leg. He will have this on for many months, turning a little each day.

This will take a long time, but it is better than being “cut on” again. We hope that within 8 months, his foot will be well and that they can start on his other foot!

Dieuferly is a photographer. He is also the one behind the drone shots! He is studying editing with Watson, our cameraman. We pray that Dieuferly has a successful trip!!  We love Dieuferly. His name means, “God made it!”



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