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Update on Djonsly… A Miracle!!

Update on Djonsly… A Miracle!!

As many of you know, Djonsly is the young man who came to us several years ago here at our Love A Child Clinic with his eyeball hanging on the outside of his eye. His mother had taken him to doctor after doctor, to try to get help, but there was none. The Lord spoke to this boy’s mother and said, “Take him to Love A Child and they will help him.”

Of course, he needed surgery, and more than that, he had cancer in the back of his eye which had pushed his eye out of its socket. We found a wonderful hospital in Miami and God gave us just the person to help get his Visa.

Djonsly went to the States with his mother and had several operations… He returned to Haiti when his first Visa expired but had to go back. Then, he went back the second time, and he had such a major surgery that he was in the hospital for a long while.

Meanwhile, his Visa had run out while he was in the hospital, but no one remembered to take care of it. It just “slipped through the cracks.” We never knew about this until we recently applied for another Visa. It took months of paperwork, a congressman, an attorney who knew what she was doing, and a miracle. I also wrote a letter of “apology” to the Visa Department and apologized for the overstay of his Visa while he was in the hospital. Had we known, we could have applied for an extension, but that is in the past.
The good news is that Djonsly and his mother got their Visas. He will be coming here soon to Love A Child, because he had “water on his lung,” and has been in a hospital here in Haiti. But today he comes home to Love A Child.

I can say that this has been the most stressful things we have been through in regards to getting a child to the States. And the other factor is that the Embassy here has been closed much of the time because of the gangs.

Today, we want to thank every one of you who prayed for Djonsly and his mother. We want to thank the attorney who worked so hard and told us “not to give up,” when we felt we could not go on any longer. We want to thank the Embassy here in Haiti who made this possible.

But most of all, we want to thank our Lord Jesus, for this great miracle!

Bobby and Sherry

P.S. We will let you know when Djonsly and his mother will be going. I am sure that some of you may want to help with their airfare to the States… which would be a blessing. Thank you, again!

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