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Update on Djonsly’s Trip to the U.S.

Update on Djonsly’s Trip to the U.S.

Many of you already know Djonsly’s story, about the cancer behind his eyes, and the fact that he has had several operations in the States, and needs several more…

It has taken us almost a year of “jumping through hoops,” filling out many forms, getting a Congressman to help, and getting an attorney, in order to get Djonsly and his mother another Visa to the States, for more surgery. God has His hands on this incredible young, intelligent young man, and a mother “who never gave up!” Madamn Alcine has no husband and only one son, Djonsly. She has never doubted, never wavered, and always remained “steadfast, unmovable” in her faith that Djonsly would get his Visa. It has happened, by faith!

On Wednesday, of this coming week, we will accompany Djonsly and his mother to the Dominican Republic and from there, we will travel to Miami. The round-trip fee from Santo Domingo to Miami for Djonsly and his mother is $450 each… which is a great price; so, for the two of them, it would be $900.

The Hospital has already arranged to find an apartment for him and his mother, close to the Hospital. If the Lord is leading you and you would like to sponsor the round-trip airfare for Djonsly, $450 or, Djonsly and his mother, $900, please call the office and ask for Rad: 239-210-6107.

Without your prayers, this would have been impossible. It has been so stressful on me, dealing with the Visa request, and all that was required of us… but now, the timing of God has arrived!!!! We want to give all the credit, all the thanks, all the praise, to the Lord. We are so thankful to our attorney, Tammy, for all her hard work and the fact that she “never gave up,” too. She is a devout Christian.

We want to thank all you wonderful, sweet, caring partners, for your prayers and support! Djonsly and his mother, want to thank everyone!!!

All our love from Haiti,

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