Bobby and Sherry are still in the devastated areas around the western port city of Jeremie, working with local leaders there to distribute massive food aid and other relief goods. They have been trying all morning to get communications back to us and were only just now able to get a broken, staticky message to me by phone. They want everyone to know how much your concern, prayers, and support mean to them and the affected people of Haiti.
They found a place to stay last night after working late into the night distributing food, but it had no hot water, one small bed, and no operating toilet, yet they felt blessed to have a dry place to sleep until this morning.
Today, they have arranged for 250 church pastors from the remote, interior areas of the earthquake, that no one else remembers to come to meet the Love A Child trucks to get rice, beans, cooking oil, baby milk, etc. to take back to their communities. By addressing the huge need in this way, Bobby and Sherry are able to get more aid out to a wider area than they could have done any other way.
Because too many roads are blocked and destroyed and too many bridges are out, they paid for a large commercial boat to take hundreds of pounds of food, etc. to the port of Jeremie where they then had to hire armed guards to protect the food from large gangs of thieves so they could get the food loaded into trucks to take it where it was most needed. They send their thanks for your continued prayers and donations to help Haiti recover from yet another tragedy. They hope to return to the Children’s Home by tomorrow, but there is much work they must do beforehand. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director