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Update on Earthquake- Supplies Needed

Update on Earthquake- Supplies Needed

Strong earthquake rocks Haiti, killing hundreds: The magnitude, 7.2 earthquake severely damaged many cities, burying people in the rubble of the collapsed buildings. It was more powerful than the 2010 quake, which killed more than 220,000 people.

The 2010 earthquake was a 7.1 magnitude. The difference is that this earthquake is that it happened in less populated areas, although it did strike Jeremy and Les Cays, which has a population of 100,000 people. The earthquake did unbelievable destruction and cost many lives. Some are saying that several thousand people were killed. I don’t know or cannot confirm that, but reports are coming in continually.

Update: We had planned on sending two of our staff out on motorcycles today to see how to get around the most dangerous areas where the gangs are so that we can bring our trucks full of food and emergency supplies. Our men were also going “deeper into the interior” to see where the greatest needs are. We also wanted to help areas that will be forgotten because they are so far out. Our workers were also going to check for crushed or weak bridges, any blockage on the roads, etc.

We canceled them leaving today because according to the news a tropical storm or hurricane is supposed to hit Haiti tomorrow. If we had sent them, they may have been caught up in a flash flood or could not have found shelter. Our plans are now to fly in a small plane to Jeremy on Tuesday and also check out other areas. We are thankful to our friend, Joe Hurston, who owns the plane and has Mobile Ministries. He will be bringing in water purifiers to help the people. We are working on the logistics, plans, and the best and safest way to distribute the emergency food and supplies.

Here are the needs which are urgent: Money to purchase whatever is needed, i.e. rice, beans, blankets, several thousand bottles of water, medical supplies, etc. Funds to send our trucks with food and other expenses. We are even thinking about sending a cargo ship full of food to Haiti. As the Lord supplies, that’s what we will do.

Any donations of items, please send them to our LAC warehouse in Fort Myers, Florida: Love A Child, 12411 Commerce Lakes Drive, Fort Myers, Florida 33913.

We need your help financially. Please go to our website and give online. You may also call our office Monday-Friday to donate on your Credit Card: 239-210-6107. (This will help speed up the process). We are working together as a team… Thank you and God bless you! Love is something you do!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

Posted in Latest News