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Update on Jackson

We just received a note from Dr. Barthelemy that Jasson’s operation to install the arteriovenous fistula was a success. Dr. Exantus, the specialist, will let us know when Jasson is ready.

If this is the first time you have heard about this precious little boy, we found Jackson (Jasson in Creole), during a Mobile Clinic in the mountains of Savaan Pit years ago. His stomach was swollen with water. He had severe Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. We had him in and out of the hospital many times. Within the last year, his hands, face, and feet began to swell. He said he wasn’t “feeling too good.”

The Haitian doctor, who was regularly seeing Jackson, said that he would need dialysis. So, this whole plan of “getting him ready for dialysis,” has taken him weeks. He had to have a catheter to drain off the excess water. He is doing well. We will now wait on Dr. Exantus to let us know when he will start this process. We ask everyone’s prayers for Jackson… he is “very close” to our hearts.



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