We wish to thank all of you for your prayers for Dieuferly, who is in Haiti now recovering from his ordeal of having those pins removed from his feet. And we wish to thank you for your prayers for Jasson (we call him Jackson), who is having severe kidney problems. Jackson’s problems were more complicated, seeing he is a child… Special thanks to Philemond, our driver, Joker, our mechanic (we take him on long trips in case we break down), and to Jesse Ostrander, son of Mark Ostrander, for filling in for Bobby and me. (I had that dental emergency and had to fly to the U.S.)
Text messages received from Jesse, Wednesday and Thursday:
- 11:12 a.m. Wed. “Finished poking and prodding. Jackson is a trouper. Had a blood test, urine test, and an ultrasound. I have an appointment with the radiologist at 9:00 a.m. to go over the ultrasound results. She is also reaching out to another Nephrologist in Haiti about a different kind of dialysis.”
- Thurs: 12:55 p.m. (regarding Jackson): “I finished with that doctor. I’m going to the pharmacy to pick up a special medicine she thinks will not be available in Haiti. And then I am going to try to talk to the people who are in charge of a program for peritoneal dialysis here (D.R). It is a special type of dialysis. But it is also good for children. Much better than the other kind (Haiti’s). He needs help. He is not in a good way right now…”
- 4:45 p.m. “Back at the hotel now. I bought some special medicine for him that I will either bring myself on Monday or get it to my dad to bring when he is coming. It needs to be injected daily. But I will fill you in later. I will try to put out all in an email.”
- 4:46 p.m. “Bottom line is he needs a transplant. But even while we are searching for one or doing research about getting one, he needs this special kind of dialysis. Will fill you in later.”
- “The bottom line is that Jackson will need a transplant and he will be on the list. They will contact us when they find this information.”
Jesse Ostrander, Love A Child Missionary
We will be in touch with Jackson’s doctor from the D.R. and keep you updated on his condition…
On another note: Dieuferly, who had surgery on his bad clubfoot, is doing very well and back in Haiti!
With 85 children from our Love A Child Orphanage (Children’s Home), we have 8 that have some severe health problems. It is always a challenge to find a good doctor and the right follow-up. Sometimes, their doctor could be in a very dangerous area, and this makes it impossible to keep up with. We do our best and let God do the rest.
God bless you and thank you so much,