This handsome boy is named Jonas Alce. We found him when we were doing a Mobile Medical Clinic in Demesseau. His mother had died after his birth, and his father was trying to raise him along with his other siblings, but it became too much for him. His father said he could no longer care for him and wanted us to take him. Jonas was very sick at the time, and we just couldn’t leave him there. We brought him home to the orphanage and he was very colicky for several months. We got him on a regular diet of nutritious food and he got much better over time. Today, he is a strong and healthy boy who loves to play soccer. He likes to recite the 23rd Psalm all by himself. He is doing well in school and is a very happy young man. Thank you partners for changing a life in Haiti! May God bless you. Bobby and Sherry

Update on Jonas – 2016
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