Lomene has come a long way in her life. Many children in Haiti become restavek slaves when their parent or parents die. The name “restavek,” means to “stay and live with.” When a child loses one or both parents and has no one to take care of them, they go to a family member to live with and work as a slave. They will cook, clean, carry buckets of water, wash clothes, and take care of the owner’s children. But, they will never be treated “as part of the family,” nor receive the same amount of food, or go to school.
When we found Lomene, she was washing clothes and carrying water, cooking for a large family, and had not been to school. We brought her to our Love A Child Children’s Home, and she went to school, high school, graduated, and then went to college to become a professional cook. She had to leave after one year of college due to gangs in that area, but we will see about getting her back in college somehow! Lomene is a devout Christian and wants to be “a very good professional cook!”