Things don’t always go as we plan them, especially when doing “food distributions.” We had planned a special food distribution in the mountains, and we had heard that the last rains washed away the roads. Two weeks ago, we sent money for food for the people to have food to eat as they worked on the road.
However, there has been even more rain, and when our trucks tried to make it up there today the crevices on the mountain roads were too deep to drive on. It was so dangerous that it would be risking lives to try to get the food up there at this time. So we have another location to go to that is also in great need… We will take food to the other location and wait until the roads have been fixed in that one mountain area. It is so dangerous in this first area that if your “four-wheel-drive” is not working, you will try to climb the mountain and roll backwards and go over the cliff! It is very dangerous!
We will keep you posted; feeding hungry children and families is not always easy, but “it’s what we do!” God bless you, dear partners! Sherry