Nazalie (Rachael)… Her parents had four children but her mother died during childbirth. Her father, a poor man, could not afford to buy milk for her so he brought her to us.
She is ten years old and in fourth grade. A few months ago, she developed a horrible head condition similar to impetigo. We had put some “homemade” medicine on it, but it grew worse, sometimes bleeding. We sent her to the skin doctor so many times and all he did was cost us a lot of money and frustration.
I shared this story and some of you told me what you “had used,” which was a mixture of several different things. I made that salve and added yellow sulfa powder and put her on antibiotics. She is doing much better and even happier!! I am sure this will cure her head sores and she will grow that beautiful hair back. She had been so sad, but, she is happy again! Thanks to those of you who offered their “home-made remedies!” We love you, and of course, we love Nazalie, (whom we nicknamed Rachael)! Sherry