“Is this the same little boy?”
Is this the same little boy who sat naked on the ground, in the heat of the sun, with no food and water? Is this the same little boy who could not stand at all? Is this the same little boy whose stomach was swollen with Kwashiorkor Malnutrition?
This little boy is Nelson, the one we found in the old Village of Letant, “sitting on his knees in the heat of the sun” all day! His “Voodoo father and mother,” had other children and they never cared about him! They never brought him to our clinic, or did anything to make his life easier!! The day that I saw him sitting on the ground, in the smothering heat of the tropical sun, I knew I had to bring him home, “that day!”
Now, look what the Lord has done! Nelson is in school, making excellent grades. But now, it is summer, it is time to help out with other chores. Today, he was picking up sand and gravel and moving them to another location. He loves to work! All the boys have “chores” to do before they can play any basketball or soccer games!!! Nelson makes excellent grades in school, works hard, loves soccer, and loves to do “cartwheels!”
He always has a smile on his face!! He has been one of our greatest blessings! We all love Nelson!!!