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Update on Roberta Edwards: 10-17-2015 6:00 PM

Update on Roberta Edwards:  As most of you know, our dear friend and missionary Robert Edwards, was shot and killed last Saturday. She had been in Haiti for many years. She started and ran SonLight Children’s Home. There were three children in the car with her when a gunman blocked her car with his car, jumped out, shot her in the head and then tried to shoot two children who were running away. The gunman kidnapped little four-year-old JoJo. There has been no ransom demand and the killers have not been caught yet.

We are praying that little JoJo is still alive. The horror that this poor child must be going through, we can’t imagine. Please pray for him and all her other children who are left in her home. Love A Child, along with Feed My Starving Children, have helped Roberta for many years with her children and her feeding programs. She was 55-years-old, always very kind and soft-spoken. Her children’s home was always clean and very nice. She was a hero of the faith! She devoted her life to the children of Haiti. Roberta, we will miss talking to you this month when you would normally come and pick up your monthly food allotment. We will miss your smile and sweet spirit. We will see you again around the banquet table of heaven! Bobby and Sherry

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