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Update on Roselyne

“A Gift in Her Hands.”

It is such a joy to raise a poor child in Haiti and then, see great results. Roselyne is a devout Christian. She gets up “early in the morning,” and begins her day with prayer. She is so helpful, sweet, and kind to everyone. She is now in her second year of Medical College to become a doctor.

When she comes home to Love A Child or has a day off, she is always in the E.R. with Dr. Barthelemy. He is our head doctor. He is the one who encouraged her to become a doctor because she had “that gift” in her hands. We found Roselyne when she was a young girl, in a Mobile Clinic, in Lastik. Her father brought her to us because both her legs were twisted. She had a hard time walking. In addition, she had poor health and was malnourished.

At that time, there was no medical help for her, so we all just prayed. As she grew, her legs became straight! She is now attending a medical college which is in a dangerous area of Haiti, since the gangs have taken over. We pray over her continuously that the Lord will keep His hand on her and our other children, in college.

We ask that you pray for Roselyne and all our Love A Child children, who are attending college in dangerous places in Haiti. God bless you, Sherry

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