As you may know, little four-year-old Samuel was rushed to the hospital last week with severe stomach pains. This happened on a weekend and our clinic was closed, and there was no pediatrician here. We called our doctor and he said to take him to the nearest hospital because we could not take a chance. We did. They did some tests and sent him back the next day, saying they would need to do another stool test. Later that week they did. And now, they want to do another test and another exam. It seems that his bowels are somewhat “blocked” and they are giving him some medicine to see if that works. He has never been really sick.
When I was five months old, I nearly died with a collapsed bowel. I was not given much chance to live. They said they would have to do an operation, that had never been done on a baby. They gave me one chance out of a hundred to pull through. That night, my mother prayed a prayer to God. She said, “Oh Lord, if you let my baby live through this operation, I will dedicate her to Lord.” That baby was me! I lived and she dedicated my life to the Lord. I wish my mother was alive and she could see all that the Lord hath done here in Haiti, because of the goodness of her promise to the Lord! Let’s continue to pray for Little Samuel. It may be, that he might be an “Abraham” someday.