BIRTHING CENTER UPDATE: Thank you, Pastor Dale, Nick, and Jay for hanging the doors. Great job! Thank you to all of our Haitian painters, who are painting the interior right now. The picture Sherry posted yesterday of the Birthing Center was an artist’s rendering. The new dedication date will be May 17th at 10:00 AM. We are in need of hospital gowns and single white sheets with pillowcases. We praise the Lord for supplying the money for a new incinerator! We are praying for the money to have the Birthing Center solar-powered. We will also need a backup generator. We don’t have the money yet, but faith doesn’t know that!!! It will take 85,000 watts to run the Birthing Center. So many mothers die in childbirth here in Haiti. So many of the children in our children’s home have lost their mothers during childbirth or from complications afterwards due to infections. The white paint on the Birthing Center is only a primer. The Birthing Center will be a light pink. Thank you, friends, for all your help. We love babies! This is why we are called Love A Child! Bobby and Sherry
Update on the Birthing Center: 2-9-19 4:30 PM
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