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Update on Ti Mika

Update on Ti Mika

Ti Mika… The first time we found Ti Mika (little Mika), was in the village of Madamn Bauje, here in Haiti. We were filming a television program and an elderly Haitian grandma was carrying around a baby with red hair and extremely malnourished. Grandma had a little handful of white rice she was trying to feed the baby and finally set the baby on the ground and walked away.

There she was, malnourished, red hair, and would have died. We found Grandma and asked if we could bring her home and she agreed. She was so bad off that it took a long time for her to gain weight.

Ti Mika is now a young lady, doing well in school. She loves to be in the Praise Dances and she loves music. But, the amazing thing about her is in the nightly services… In the Children’s Service, Ti Mika was leading the worship and praise downstairs. She is amazing! When she sings, she really “gets lost in Jesus!” We would feel the spirit of the Lord upstairs when she was singing and praising God!

I’m not sure what God has planned for her life, but she will be a success!!! We all love “Ti Mika!!”



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