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Update on Travel to L’Artibonite Village

Early this morning, our “feeding team” went out ahead of us to prepare for the feeding program. When they reached the area several miles north of St. Marc, all of a sudden, there were huge roadblocks in all four directions. It was impossible to pass or go through! They were blocking the roads with huge barriers!!

It turns out that the young men in this area are trying to “block out the thieves and gangs” who have been coming in at night, robbing, raping women, and much more! They were trying to protect their neighborhood without the help of police (who were nowhere in sight!)

They were protesting because “they want the government to give them security!” We will go back at a later date when it is safe. We want to especially thank our driver, Gaston, who delivered the food successfully on Saturday!!

Mission accomplished!
Bobby and Sherry


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