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Updates from Haiti

A lot of people have been asking if things are better since Kenya arrived with police/troops. I can only say what I know is happening out here in our area. Nothing has changed or happened. We live on the main commerce road from the Dominican Republic up through Croix-des-Bouquet into Port-au-Prince. The gangs control the area from Ganthier, which is eight miles from us, all the way to Port-au-Prince. It’s been very disappointing. We hope the plan has not yet been set in motion, and is still coming.

Mark Ostrander is here working with his Haitian dream team preparing and getting things ready for future volunteer teams. We are optimistic and believing the best is yet to come!!

God bless America on this July 4th. Happy Birthday, America! In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed! We wish a happy Fourth of July to you and your family.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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