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I’m hearing that right now the Port-au-Prince airport is under attack by the gangs. Another source just texted me saying that the airport has been taken over by the gangs! I cannot verify any of this. We are about 30 miles from the airport.

The U.S. Embassy e-mailed asking all Americans to leave Haiti. Haiti is in a state of emergency. We are in a code red level 4 warning of danger, which is the highest.

The gangs have joined together and are on a rampage. The gangs have attacked two large prisons with the possibility of 4,000 prisoners walking the streets causing havoc and chaos.

Things are much worse than I’m even saying here. Please pray for us, Haiti, the children, and other missionaries that may be here. Does anyone care for Haiti? What’s happening is an atrocity. Please help! Haiti needs intervention from someone.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Bobby and Sherry

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