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Urgent Prayers Needed!

We are under attack from the gangs, pray!

The town of Ganthier is about 8 miles from us. They have been holding the gangs back from us for over three years now. The chief of police just called us. Ganthier has been under attack from the gangs since 2 a.m. He said if he does not receive help, he won’t be able to hold on much longer. Some military are there, also, trying to help. They need reinforcements!

He said the gangs burnt down their police station and customs, and I believe the government administration buildings. Hundreds of people have fled their houses in Ganthier. They are standing out here on the streets not knowing where to go and what to do. We are going to see what we can do to help them. Please pray! We are under “code red!” We are standing on Psalms 91. Please pray for everyone.

Bobby and Sherry

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