The average person in America uses 80-100 gallons of water per day. Tucked between three mountains is the village of Kaligo in South Haiti, which is without one drop of water! A grown family member walks three hours to find a five-gallon bucket of water in a village on the other side of the mountain every day. These five gallons of water are used for cooking, bathing, and washing dishes and clothes.
A family with three strong older children can carry three buckets of water. This weekend, Hubert and the Love A Child team carried rice, beans, oil, and water to cook for 153 hungry and thirsty children. When the word spread like wildfire throughout that food and drinking water was being provided, the children kept coming until there was no more food and water, and many were turned away.
Please pray, and thank you for giving to help us return with more water and food to feed the famished children of the south of Haiti!
Love is something you do!