Sherry and I, along with Rachael, Oriol and Philemon left at 4:30 this morning for Savaan Pit. Please pray we will have a safe four hours up and four hours back to Fond Parisien. We will be traveling deep into the mountains mostly where there are no good roads and big drop-off cliffs. By FAITH, we have started digging the foundation to build a new Love A Child Christian School. Between the earthquake and the hurricane, we had to tear down the school for safety reasons. We have 500 school children without a school. FAITH doesn’t know we don’t have $120,000 to build the school! I’m praying the Lord will lay upon someone’s heart to help today! The children are the future of Haiti! Love is something you do! By FAITH… Bobby

Visit to Savaan Pit – 06-08-17
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