As we all traveled into the village of Chambrun, a sign said, “You are entering the zone of the Devil!” Today, along with the Life Changers International Church Team, we brought in the “Word of God.” We gave out Creole Bibles from “hut to hut.” Oh, they loved their Bibles! We prayed for everyone. At 4 PM today, we had someone in the village cook hot meals for the children, and they were given gifts. Tonight, we will go back to the Life Changers International Church in Miracle Village for the last night with the team. The Life Changers International Church Team did a great job today in this real “Voodoo Village.” We’ve never been in a Haitian village with so many Voodoo crosses everywhere! We are claiming Chambrun for Christ! Bobby and Sherry
P. S. Special thanks to Pastor Gregory Dickow, his church team and the donation of the Creole Bibles!

Visiting the voodoo village Chambrun: 3-8-18 5:50 PM
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