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Waiting on God

Waiting on God

Even after living in Haiti for over 30 years, it is so difficult for us to hear the stories of the poor. We could have thought, “I’ve heard it all,” but there is always another story waiting and a mother with tears in her eyes.

The majority of these mothers are those, who had a husband, but, he would leave her and the children and go to the Dominican Republic to look for work. Most of these men have ever come back… In fact, I have never heard of “one” who came back to take care of their family.

These women are “like widows,” because now, they have no way of making a living and lots of mouths to feed. They cannot find a “job” because there are no “jobs.” They must borrow money and then, sell the items and try to buy food for their children… but, they have to always retain enough money to buy more items to sell. It is a sad situation, indeed.

When the Lord talks about “giving to the poor,” it is even more impactful. We have even talked to some mothers, “who sold one child,” in order to buy food for the rest.

And now, the price of food has gone up sky-high in Haiti, along with the price of fuel. That means, “taking a bus to the market to sell their items” is costing them more a lot more.

They say, “there is no government help.” So, all we have is the Lord! So even in their worst conditions and even when tears run down their face, they manage to say, “Mwen ap tann Bondye”… “I’m waiting on God.” But, maybe God is “waiting on you…”

God bless all of you who help the poor.

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