We are building a “Medical Staff Dorm,” next to the new Jesus Healing Center to house 49 staff members who will be working in the new clinic. This will include doctors, nurses, administrative and security, down to the ones who keep the Jesus Healing Center spotless, and as germ free as possible. Out of all these people, only one doctor has a car. We want them all to stay here during the week because of transportation and safety problems.
Many roads are no longer safe in Haiti…especially the road coming out here to Fond Parisien where we live. Our road is very dangerous. Yet, before daylight all the little families are waiting outside the gate to come in. None of them own a car. They come by tap tap, horse, mule, donkey or foot. Many, the majority come from a very long way…
We have the best medical staff and are so proud of them. Thank you, Mr. Nixon for all your administrative abilities and special thanks to our head doctor, Dr. Barthelemy! Our staff is so good and take such good care of the patients!
By faith, we have started to build the housing for all the staff. I feel the load today… Please pray! The cost will be $175,000 to build this for all the staff. We take good care of all the medical personnel, and they take such good care of everyone else. Bobby Burnette

Walking and Building by FAITH
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