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Read: Proverbs 11:13

I love Haitian proverbs. They come from the old-timers who had a lot of wisdom. They say, “Little by little, the bird builds a nest,” and “A little dog is really brave in front of his master’s house.” One proverb says, “Dirty clothes are washed in the family.” That means you don’t need to tell everyone everything… Don’t spread your dirt around.

The Bible says, “A talebearer reveals secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit conceals the matter.” There’s nothing worse than gossiping Christians who can’t keep their mouths shut. They go around spreading discord. I know some who have been hurt deeply by that. Let’s be like the faithful spirit in Proverbs and keep it between us and the Lord. Wash the dirty laundry inside the family and take the situation to the Lord in prayer.

Focus for today: Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the words you speak today and you will know when just be quiet.

– Missionary Bobby Burnette

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