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We Are Not Forgotten

We Are Not Forgotten

This is what one lady said to us, as they welcomed us to their village, destroyed by the 7.2 earthquake that shook southern Haiti, August 14th! Up until now, many of the earthquake victims had felt that they were forgotten… but the Lord had not forgotten them. After spending many days in the heat of sun, moving away debris, and finding nearly everything gone, they finally had “hope!” Because of you, our generous partners, we were able to give tents to areas where the earthquake hit hardest… in areas such as “Petit Trou de Nippes, Lierve, and Lazile and tents are going to many other areas besides these!

We give special thanks to Hubert and his team, who went to each family in each area; first they checked on the families and then gathered information on the need for tents, name of families, how many children and people, the ID number of each family member and cell phone number, etc. So, each “village” had a huge spreadsheet of facts, before the tents arrived!! If it had not been for Hubert, this job would have been “nearly impossible.” Special thanks to Joel who helped with the logistics and how to vet each family.

We were thankful to Jesse, who has been helping Hubert and the team to set everything up ahead of time. And thankful to “Casimi,” our container driver, who made two trips through the most dangerous area in all Haiti… Martissaint!” He blew through that area like a cloud of dust, with our precious cargo of tents!! (I think the Angels were hanging on!!)

Philemond, our own driver, has been with us all the way! Our team got up early each morning and we had “villages” scheduled throughout the day. So far, we have distributed “family-sized tents” to 791 families, spread out in all directions, over dangerous mountain roads! But, we still have more to go. Tomorrow, we will be sharing some precious stories of families who received tents, especially the elderly.

During a disaster like this one, and the earthquake of 2010, the one thing that sticks in our minds that the victims have said, “You didn’t forget about us!” One lady said, “we are not forgotten!” As long as we know “help is on the way,” we can survive!! “You” are the help that God has sent to these people! We thank you with all our hearts, more stories tomorrow, Bobby and Sherry

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