“How it All Started.”
We never had planned on “starting an orphanage,” and certainly never thought of raising 85 children, some with major health issues. It started with a very poor grandma, lying on a mat, near her hut, very, very ill. She had four children, to care for… the Limose family. Their parents had died and “Grandma” was left with four hungry mouths to feed. She made me a promise that if, and when she died, we would take them in! I prayed with all my heart that she would not die, but unfortunately, she did.
It was like a “scene” from Africa. As we pulled up in our truck, there stood four hungry, abandoned children, and a whole village behind them! We put the four children in our truck and headed back home, with a heavy weight on our shoulders.
We now have 85 children… twelve are married and have children, twelve are in college. God has placed these children on our hearts. We are called “mommie and poppie,” or daddy, dad, etc.! These children inside our gate, who live in our orphanage, are one reason we cannot abandon Haiti… but there are many others “outside,” the gate, who need help. We cannot abandon them. Please keep us in your prayers and close to your heart.