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We Love Our ATC Program

We Love Our ATC Program

We love our ATC program… Teaching Haitians how to grow better crops for their families, plus sell their vegetables to help support their family. Helping Haitians to help themselves. The note below is from Wilner to me the day before yesterday. Wilner is the head of the ATC program. We just love him and all his staff.
All comes from a seed… Amazing!!

Thank you, Rad Hazelip, for being the father of this dream…

Bobby Burnette

—–Original Message—–
From: Wilner Exil
To: Bobby
Sent: Wed, Dec 8, 2021 1:01 pm
Subject: Agriculture Training Center( ATC) Harvest.

Good evening my Big Boss.

How are you ? I hope God continues to keep us healthy, because Mrs Sherry is like a 🍇 fruitful bird that connot fly to find seeds to feed, their only hope is their monther. We belive in our prayers that God will return us to Haïti to continue the mission that God has given us which is to help a people in need. We Love you :

Look at these pictures, ; Today we had a Big harvest for Children”s homes. Cucumbers, Papaya, Sweet peppers, Eggplant, Leeks .

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