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We Work for Food

We see a lot of those signs up nowadays, but people in the states do not fully understand the words, “work for food.” But, these Haitian people and children do. They are under the guidance of their spiritual leader, Pastor Souffrance. He has organized entire hungry villages to come out and fix all the mountain roads in the area of Peyi Pouri. Peyi Pouri is not a tiny village. It is a huge area spreading all the way to the Dominican Republic border. When the last “heavy rain,” came, it took away all the roads up in the area.

This meant that we can’t get food to these areas, and we cannot do a Mobile Clinic until the roads are fixed. Yesterday, we showed the little children working, but today, here are the parents, the elderly, the lame… everyone has something in their hand, or, they will dig rocks away, while the others are using the big “wou,” (hand-made heavy hoe). It is extremely hard, tedious work in the mountains… but they are doing it with joy!

Soon our food trucks will be coming and soon we will be able to do that Mobile Clinic! So, when your teenagers complain about “mowing the yard,” or other hard work, please show them these pictures… they could have been born in Haiti.

Thank you, partners, who help fund the Feed My Starving Children food that we take to mountain villages and other areas of Haiti. The Haitian people love you and appreciate you, Bobby and Sherry

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