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What a Chef! Widlene…

Widlene… When you raise Haitian children from babies, there is no telling what direction life will take them. This beautiful young girl is Widlene. Her mother brought her and her sibling (baby Esther), to the front gate of our rented house, when we first moved to Haiti. “Madamn Jesula” was very ill and felt that she would die, so she wanted to ask us if we would take care of her two little girls when she died. Widlene was very young, maybe four or five. We sent Madamn Jesula to the hospital, only to find out she was anemic and starving. We brought her home, gave her a job, and raised her two girls in our orphanage.

Widlene is in her second year of college to be a “gourmet cook!” She LOVES to cook!! She may have one more year after this. She loves the Lord! We are so proud of Widlene!!


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